Journey Out of Nothing

a journey out of nothing

Artist’s Statement

This is a series of work inspired by the poems of my niece Ashlea Cook. They deal with the emotions and trauma she went through when her parents divorced and feelings of rejection and betrayal inflicted on her by her father.

A Journey Out of Nothing – 8/9/09

I am nothing.
Not the cold tears that trickle down my cheeks and fall beneath my chin.
Not the cracks upon my lips which scaffold a hidden truth.
Not the sweet, red blood that runs within my veins giving life to every organ.
Not the lifeless limbs to which be my arms and legs,
Pointless body parts that are nothing without the nerves and brain.
Not the helpless, drained look within my eyes where energy and life used to be.
Not the breath I take,
Not the beat of my heart,
Not the power in my stride,
Not the hope within.
Belief in being nothing is common,
Belief in being strong enough to continue is rare.
Do I stop?
Do I look ahead?
Do I turn?
Carry a lifeless body out of this misery,
Carry it away from this hurdle.
Take pride in the step I walk,
Courage in the chance I take,
Hope in the air I breathe.
Breathe in the good,
Release the bad.
Walk to the beat of your drum,
Don’t leave life for another.
Stop. Think. Return.
Live life for the people who love you,
But most of all, for yourself.
Be the person that you see within your soul.
Let out the soul.
Let it free.
For that’s the only way to return,
To return to me.

Copyright © Ashlea Cook

a series of 20 mixed media works on paper 20cm x 20cm

for further information
please contact the artist –