Artist’s Statement – August 2010
“Only by remaking and restoring the sacred can we achieve individual and collective health, since the sacred stands at the very heart of humanity, and if it is repressed or ignored humanity must suffer.”
The sacred is a basic category of human experience and the human cannot be separated from the non human and the archetypal – human nature can only know and fulfill itself in relationship to a transcendent other.
(Edge of the Sacred: Transformation in Australia by David J. Tacey. pp.1–4)
Acknowledging that land is sacred is a necessary cultural and spiritual shift in our thinking; our society needs to return to a balance where nature is respected and nurtured and not a resource to be exploited if we are to heal ourselves and more importantly our planet.
My work continues to explore my spiritual connection with the land and the environment. The unity of existence and the interconnectedness of life on the planet is the basis of my philosophy which points to and reflects a necessary ideological and spiritual shift that may be necessary for our survival.
The experience of spiritual interconnectedness has much to do with the land, and …from the lived experience of this earth.
(ReEnchantment: The New Australian Spiritualiy by David J. Tacey. pp.93–94)
‘Nature’ is not only outside us but also within, and ultimately, what we do to nature we do also to ourselves.
(ReEnchantment: The New Australian Spiritualiy by David J. Tacey. p.168)
In killing off the spiritual essence of the Earth, we end up killing ourselves, for this essence nourishes our own biological and spiritual life.
(ReEnchantment: The New Australian Spiritualiy by David J. Tacey. p.168)
a series of 20 mixed–media works on 600gsm Fabriano paper 76cm x 56cm
all works are for sale and reasonably priced
please contact the artist –